What differentiates a wartime president from a peacetime one?  The ability to use wartime powers to force unity.  Here is a must-read article in the Bulwark by Jonathan V. Last.  Caution:  It is scary reading, as he outlines all of the real targets and strategies of Trump 2.0.

Trump’s Real Agenda

Is Trump just trying to get rid of illegal immigrants who are criminals?  Or is he targeting mass deportations in very specific (Democrat) areas to crush opposition by targeted economic disruption?

Read the article:

Donald Trump is at War With America

Takes notes.  Much of this is sure to come to pass.

Voters are told he will fix immigration.  What they aren’t told is that “fixing” immigration is just a smokescreen to jolt the economies of states he didn’t win, strongholds of the opposition.  He will fulfill his promise, but only in a targeted way.  He’ll declare victory over immigration while at the same time ruining the economies of some blue states. 

Unfortunately for all of us, there will be unintended consequences, as there always are in most of these hairbrained plots.  Hurting the economies of certain blue states will also ripple into the entire economy.  Prices will rise (didn’t he promise they would fall?) as crops rot in the ground for want of harvesters (who are almost all immigrant workers).  This is happening already with the California orange crop.  I grew up around those orange groves and if the oranges aren’t harvested in a timely fashion, they rot and fall to the ground.  But workers, as of Monday, aren’t showing up to work the harvest for fear of ICE raids.  Get ready for higher prices.  What if this persists into the spring?  For example, California produces over 50% of the lettuce consumed in the U.S., but it’s consumed by all, including all of the red states.  Couple that with a 25% import duty on veggies from Mexico, and you’ll see your grocery prices skyrocket.

All of this is because Trump is only a “unifier” if he can strongarm everyone into his camp.  It looks like he will spend the next 4 years in a vendetta against those who oppose him.  Unfortunately, he has all the levers of power to help him do it.